Thursday, August 11, 2011

Birthday Blessing

                                                                                     Jaxy Waxy       

Tomorrow is a special day for our family.  Jackson turns eight years old.  Now I know that most of you don't find the eighth birthday to be particularly special.  It's not a first birthday, a double digit, a new teen, a sweet sixteen, or a twenty first.  It is important to my husband and I more than anyone will know.

I had two children prior two August 12, 2003.  I was not new to the childbirth scene.  I knew what to expect and had no worries.  That did change however.  I had been complaining of an unusual, ripping pain.  When I was scheduled to go in for a check up, it was to the point that it hurt to sit down or get up unassisted.  The doctors had no clue what the problem might be and began to give me reasons why I might be having difficulties.  As soon as they sat me up off the table that all changed.  A pain went through me like no other, and I was off to the hospital to get a special ultrasound.  They couldn't find a problem, but knew something was very wrong.  It was decided that he would be born that day.

The worries began!  I had just ordered his car seat and it wasn't in.  I didn't have my camera.  I didn't have a bag put together.  This was way too early for me.  Chris began to make the calls and stormed off to the gift shop for a disposable camera.  Upon his arrival back to the maternity floor, we were all set to go to the operating room.  As they are prepping, Chris leans over with a little worry in his voice and he says, "Jackson it is.  You can name him whatever you want."  We had been going back and forth with names.  He was determined to name him Hacksaw Holler.  That was no funny joke to me.

In no time he was born.  I saw them put Jackson on the baby table, but I couldn't here him.  Why isn't he breathing?  Our family doctor looks at me and asked if they had given me any pain medicine prior to coming to the hospital.  That question scared me wore than anything, because I refuse medicine unless it is absolutely necessary.  Then finally.....a cry.  As they whisk him off my OB/GYN looks over the curtain and says, "It's a good thing you are persistent, because if we had waited another day you both might not had made it."  Later he explained that I had a placental abruption.  Jackson was here now and that was all I needed.  Years later I am still wondering about that day.  Did something that happened during that time cause his Asperger's Syndrome?  I will never know.

Today Jackson is a wonderful, loving child.  This kid is super smart and can quickly one up his brother with a witty come back.  He has the best and maybe the loudest laugh ever.  He has his quirks, as do all children dealing with and Autism Spectrum disorder.  Everyday is a struggle for us on some level.  There are many times that I wish I had the answer book.  I have come to understand that I have to let somethings go.  Everything cannot be in my control.  He is awesome at soccer, but I have to know that it is okay that he doesn't play on a team.  The stimulation of other children and noises is too much for him at times.  He is awesome at so many things and will have to find his own way.

Jackson is a special blessing in my life.  He is my true test of patience.  I love you son, and happy eighth birthday!

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