Friday, August 12, 2011

Mommy, are you AWAKE?

Woody the Woodpecker    
Seriously, I could use a little sleep.  On the days that I actually can sleep in something has to ruin my slumber party!  This morning it was the smoke detector wanting it's battery changed at 6 am no less.  I fought with it for a while and retreated to my bed and tried to ignore it.  That is easier said than done.  I handed the task over to Christopher, my husband.  He could get it off the wall but didn't figure out how to get the battery out, so he left it on the counter and trotted off to work.  After much frustration I attempted to open it many ways.  Then I did the womanly thing of reading the directions.  And to my surprise.....all I had to do was open the battery door.

This isn't the first time I have had a run in with the mommy only alarm clock.  It is usually Matilda, our cockerspaniel, wanting to go outside.  I know the kids hear her, but they have the uncanny ability to ignore her.  Right after the smoke detector Matilda wanted to go out.  Then the telephone starts ringing and my cell phone starts notifying me of messages.  So I am awake and begin thinking of a certain annoying pest that has irritated me to no end: the woodpecker.

You have only seen them in cartoons?  Really? Not me!  I have my own personal wood destroyer.  These guys are not little.  The picture above is on the fence beside my property.  That sucker is about a foot and half long.  He usually feeds off of the carpenter bee larva placed in my wood siding.  Since he has ruined my facets he has moved on to the fence.  I have been woke up by the the noise of him pecking on the house many times.  It really is louder than you think.  I would make loud noises so he would fly away, but he would always come right back.  Yes, I said he because only a man would annoy me that bad.  In the state of North Carolina there is nothing you can do to woodpeckers except try to frighten them away.  I am not saying I want the the thing dead, but I do not want my house ruined every year.  We have painted to prevent the bees from drilling, but eventually they do anyway.  We have tried every trick in the book.  For now he is gone, but I know he will be back.

If it isn't an annoyance waking me up it is a blessing.  I especially love it when I hear Asa say, "Mommy, are you awake?  My tummy is hungry for peanut butter and jelly."  The kid can consume major quantities of PB&J!  I love it when he snuggles close and asks me to turn on the cartoons real low so I can snooze for a few more minutes.  So I guess there are good alarms that you wrap your arms around and ones that you would rather do without.  No matter what I am thankful that I wake up each day.  Now I am off to replace a battery.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Back To School CA$H Giveaway

The Happy Little Homemaker has teamed up with other bloggers and is giving away a total of $700 in cash.  The winner can choose Paypal cash or Amazon gift cards.  Head on over and get your entry in soon.  The will choose winners on August 15th. That is MONDAY!   You must like a few facebook pages, fill out a quick entry form, and you are done.

Zulily added Cuddly Pillow & Pets

These are the most popular trend going with little kids.  Well...even some bigger kids too.  Head on over to Zulily get your Cuddly Pillow & Pet.  Here are a few of my faves at $11.99 each:

*Zulily offers $15 credit when you refer a friend and they make a purchase.

Birthday Blessing

                                                                                     Jaxy Waxy       

Tomorrow is a special day for our family.  Jackson turns eight years old.  Now I know that most of you don't find the eighth birthday to be particularly special.  It's not a first birthday, a double digit, a new teen, a sweet sixteen, or a twenty first.  It is important to my husband and I more than anyone will know.

I had two children prior two August 12, 2003.  I was not new to the childbirth scene.  I knew what to expect and had no worries.  That did change however.  I had been complaining of an unusual, ripping pain.  When I was scheduled to go in for a check up, it was to the point that it hurt to sit down or get up unassisted.  The doctors had no clue what the problem might be and began to give me reasons why I might be having difficulties.  As soon as they sat me up off the table that all changed.  A pain went through me like no other, and I was off to the hospital to get a special ultrasound.  They couldn't find a problem, but knew something was very wrong.  It was decided that he would be born that day.

The worries began!  I had just ordered his car seat and it wasn't in.  I didn't have my camera.  I didn't have a bag put together.  This was way too early for me.  Chris began to make the calls and stormed off to the gift shop for a disposable camera.  Upon his arrival back to the maternity floor, we were all set to go to the operating room.  As they are prepping, Chris leans over with a little worry in his voice and he says, "Jackson it is.  You can name him whatever you want."  We had been going back and forth with names.  He was determined to name him Hacksaw Holler.  That was no funny joke to me.

In no time he was born.  I saw them put Jackson on the baby table, but I couldn't here him.  Why isn't he breathing?  Our family doctor looks at me and asked if they had given me any pain medicine prior to coming to the hospital.  That question scared me wore than anything, because I refuse medicine unless it is absolutely necessary.  Then finally.....a cry.  As they whisk him off my OB/GYN looks over the curtain and says, "It's a good thing you are persistent, because if we had waited another day you both might not had made it."  Later he explained that I had a placental abruption.  Jackson was here now and that was all I needed.  Years later I am still wondering about that day.  Did something that happened during that time cause his Asperger's Syndrome?  I will never know.

Today Jackson is a wonderful, loving child.  This kid is super smart and can quickly one up his brother with a witty come back.  He has the best and maybe the loudest laugh ever.  He has his quirks, as do all children dealing with and Autism Spectrum disorder.  Everyday is a struggle for us on some level.  There are many times that I wish I had the answer book.  I have come to understand that I have to let somethings go.  Everything cannot be in my control.  He is awesome at soccer, but I have to know that it is okay that he doesn't play on a team.  The stimulation of other children and noises is too much for him at times.  He is awesome at so many things and will have to find his own way.

Jackson is a special blessing in my life.  He is my true test of patience.  I love you son, and happy eighth birthday!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Avery Like Us Promotion on Facebook

Avery is having a Like Us promotion on Facebook.  It is simple and quick to enter.  The winner will receive a basket full of goodies including and Apple Ipad! 

The most useful products that I have found from Avery are dividers. I use them in my coupon binder.  My kids use them at school. We are constantly buying more.  Another useful tool that Avery provides is online templates for their labels and other products. I find that this come in handy a variety of ways.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Melissa and Doug's Trunki on Totsy

I believe Totsy is my new favorite website for deal galore.  I have found the perfect present for my soon to be 8 year old, Jackson.  He is going flip when he unwraps a gigantic Lego Buzz Lightyear alarm clock!  He will be the envy of every little boy his age.  I had a $10 credit and was a new member so I received free shipping.

As I was perusing the site again today I saw that Melissa and Doug's Trunki items are being featured.   Have you ever had to cart tons of luggage through a busy airport or hotel while your kids are tired, cranky, and bored?  It is not an easy feat to accomplish!  Trunki can help make the best of any travel situation.  Trunki is a suitcase and ride on toy.  Your children can relax as you pull them in tow.  The only argument will be the one that took place in my house tonight: which child gets what color Trunki.

Take advantage of Totsy's deals quick.  Sign up here.  After you have created an account go to to get 3% back when shop through their site at Totsy.
  • If you spend $60+ and use code VIPMOM you will get $15 off!
  • There is also a code for 10% off: STROLLERSTRIDES!
  • New members to Totsy will get FREE Shipping on their first order!
*For a limited time when you purchase $45 or more on Totsy orders you can get a FREE subscription to Disney Family Fun magazine or choose the $10 rebate!

Saturday, August 06, 2011

PonyUp Handbag giveaway via Leslie Loves Veggies

My husband doesn't call me the bag lady for nothing.  I found another awesome handbag giveaway!  Leslie Loves Veggies is giving away a PonyUp! Kentucky handbag.  These are truly southern "pocketbooks".  They are big, bold, and beautifully crafted.  Some girls have a million shoes.  My heart only beats for purses. 

Reading the story behind how the owner, Rallie McAllister, MD, MPH, created the look for her bags I found out about her love of horses.  She searched for other bags that used a horse-halter straps.  After exhausting the search with no finds she created PonyUp! Kentuck handbags.

I am partial to the Copper Poppy and Red Rider bags.  Partial might be an understatement!  I love them.  Enter the giveaway and maybe one of us will walk away with a new back to school handbag.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Our New Favorite Game

Our family, like many, has children that will drive us crazy in the car.  Jackson, almost 8, and Caleb, 11, will bicker with no end.  I picked up this handy Melissa and Doug USA license plate game and the fun has began.  Everyone is into it.  My husband usually wins for the boys. Oh yes, they usually pair off against the only two girls in the family.  There are four of them and only two of us.

This game is fun and fast paced.  It keeps the children occupied and learning at the same time.  They have memorized many of the states and their locations.  In order to hold the game board you must know where the states are because the teams call them out rather quick.  As soon as we start down the road you will hear, "North Carolina, Virginia!"  We all get excited when we see a plate from the west coast.  Alaska and Hawaii get major bragging rights.  This game is a staple for all of our road trips.

Win The Kelly Moore Bag at My Organized Chaos

Those of you who know me understand that I have to pinch pennies whenever I can.  With four children it is a must.  Within the last few months I have began following My Organized Chaos.  This site reviews new products and awesome finds and gives readers a chance to win the items.  Up for grabs this go round is a a Kelly Moore bag.  I can't tell you how much I long over cute bags.  My husband has said that I need to giveaway one bag for every new one I get.  Well.....we'll see about that! Oh, and in the south purses and bags ARE pocketbooks! It's a southern thing.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

How do I love thee...

Do you find yourself running in circles for your children?  Then we have something in common.  The saying holds true that I would give them the world, but this week I have found myself in an a rather helpless dilemma.  Our only vehicle is in the shop, and could be for a while.  My eldest son has soccer camp.  I have an appointment to sign my teaching contract with a new school, and register my boys in that school system.  What do I do?  What sacrifices do I make?  Well, with the words of Tim Gunn we will, "Make it work!"

I found out who my true friends were (a.k.a. who really loves me).  As soon as I posted my rock and hard place on Facebook, a friend in a neighboring county came to my rescue.  She offered to drive me everywhere I needed to go.  I was truly in tears as she blessed me with her generosity.  Another friend offered me her car.  Two other friends offered to transport my son for the remainder of camp. The pure kindness was overwhelming.

It is kind of funny that my first thought was how am I going to get my son to soccer camp and not how am I going to pay for all this work.  I suppose it is the mommy in me that wants the best for my kids.  When I see him on the field where I know he is happiest, I know I could never take that away from him.  The same goes for my daughter when she is cheering or dancing.  My loves as a child were reading, writing, and art.  My mom never had to go very far for that; although, she would have (I am sure).  I will continue to provide experiences for my children, but how much do I love them?  Would I sit for hours on end at practices and classes?  That, my friends, is a resounding NO.

I love my children enough to have my own life and experiences.  I like what I have accomplished and what I am good at.  I do not wish to live vicariously through them.  The pride exudes when they make a goal, perfect a dance, belt out a cheer, or bring home a good grade.  I love them enough to stand up for them when they have no voice.  I, also, love them enough to help them find their own voices and know when to use them.

A close friend of mine is fighting cancer with an awesome spirit.  She came to my rescue today in more ways than one. This wonderful woman has reminded me you have to do what you have to do. There will be times that I cannot give my kids all that they desire.  They will not always understand, but they will appreciate the sacrifices that I have made for them in the end.  I will "make it work", but not if it I lose myself in the process.